Science Literacy Week offers a wide range of fun, informative programming

Scientific discovery happens at McMaster every day. It happens in labs, in classrooms, in libraries, and elsewhere on campus.
Science Literacy Week is an opportunity to celebrate the wonder of science with interesting events that are taking place all across Canada. At McMaster, we’re celebrating with these events:
Lunch with TED
Presented by the H.G. Thode Library of Science and Engineering
When: Sept. 21-25, Noon-1:30 p.m.
Where: Main floor, Thode Library, in the soft seating area across from the café area
Bring your lunch, and join us at Thode Library to watch a series of classic TED Talks, from some of the most brilliant minds in science. Each day we will play five or six TED talks, curated around a theme: Monday – Exploring the Universe, Tuesday – Tackling Environmental Issues, Wednesday – Mapping our Evolutionary Progression, Thursday – Technology at the Speed of Life, and Friday – Examining the Human Mind.
Science Trivia and Daily Twitter Contest
Presented by the H.G. Thode Library of Science and Engineering
When: Sept. 21-25
Where: In person, on the main floor of Thode Library, and online at
Test your scientific knowledge with two fun trivia games, and find out if you know enough to win the (virtual) $1,000,000 prize or how you stack up against the general public. Look for the ‘arcade’ machine in the lobby of Thode Library.
Follow us on Twitter (@thodelibrary) to participate in our daily contest, for a chance to win some Library swag, plus general bragging rights, of course.
The science of Alzheimer’s: where are we going?
Presented by the McMaster Health Forum
When:Sept. 22, 6:30-8 p.m.
Where: McMaster Innovation Park, 175 Longwood South, Hamilton, ON
Attend in person, or connect to the live stream!
More details on the McMaster Health Forum event page
Alzheimer’s disease, one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people, has been recognized by the World Health Organization as a public health priority. Despite the increased focus on this disease, many questions remain unanswered.
Join us as Jay Ingram, one of Canada’s best-known and most popular science personalities, and Dr. Christopher Patterson, an expert on the diagnosis and treatment of dementia, examine the latest research and evidence into risks, prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
McMaster’s Sidewalk Astronomy
When: Sept. 23 (Night Sky Viewing) and Sept. 27 (Total Lunar Eclipse); 7-7:30 p.m.
Where: Meet at the turning circle in front of Mary Keyes Residence
Note: These events are weather permitting. Check the Sidewalk Astronomy website in advance of the event for confirmation.
McMaster’s Sidewalk Astronomy is a public outreach initiative that is run by the graduate students at McMaster’s Department of Physics and Astronomy. We give the public of Hamilton, Ontario and the surrounding areas the unique opportunity to look through a powerful telescope at some of the brightest celestial objects in the sky. Everyone is welcomed to take a peek through the telescope.
Eclipses at McMaster’s W.J. McCallion Planetarium
When: Sept. 23; two shows: 7 p.m. and 8:15 p.m.
Where: Located in the Burke Science Building (BSB), lower level, B149
$7 admission fee (cash only at door) – Reserve your ticket!
What are the different types of eclipses, why don’t they occur more often, and how can we safely observe them? During this show we’ll discuss the answers to these questions, as well as when can we next see such events from southern Ontario. We’ll also explore other types of transits, eclipses and occultations that we can see not only from the Earth, but also other places in the Solar System
Let’s Talk Science
Join Let’s Talk Science at the Hamilton Public library for exciting public science demonstrations with McMaster engineering students (ages: 5-12 years)
September 22nd, 2:30 p.m. – Sherwood branch
September 23rd, 4:15 p.m. – Ancaster Branch – Registration Required
September 26th, 2 p.m. – Red Hill Branch – Registration Required
Mars: A World on the Edge in 3D!
Presented by the McMaster Origin Institute
When: Sept. 24th, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Where: Michael DeGroote Centre for Learning, Rm 1110 (3D Theatre)
$7 admission fee (cash only at door) – Reserve your ticket (limited seating)
We will take you on a journey to Mars and explore its structure, history, and the possibility that it was the site of a “second genesis” of life in the solar system. Each show combines 3D movies, images, and interactive sessions with real scientists. Shows last one hour and include time for audience questions and answers.
McMaster CryptoParty – Learn cryptography basics
Hosted by Wes Kerfoot, in cooperation with HackItMac
When: Sept. 24, 6-9 p.m.
Where: Institute for Applied Health Sciences building (IAHS), Room 201/A
More information at or on Facebook
Cryptography, the practice and study of techniques for secure communication, lives at the intersection of math, computer science and electrical engineering. It continues to be an important topic, with regular news articles about breaches and theft of sensitive, personal information. A Cryptoparty is an event where you can learn about how to use basic cryptography tools, with no prior knowledge required. Bring your device and learn how to stay secure.
For a list of events across Canada, and for more information about Science Literacy Week, visit